Since end of December 2016, I was using my personal computer to work from home. All my development environment was living in a VirtualBox CentOS virtual machine. That was working very nicely until March 13th. All of a sudden, the virtual machine became annoying slow. Starting the virtual machine took twice the time as before… Poursuivre la lecture Unsolvable and annoying VirtualBox slowdown
Catégorie : Computer science
Spurious mail delivery errors
A few weeks ago, I started to receive email containing error messages about the delivery of some mails I didn’t send. The contents of such emails looked like spam, but why weren’t they detected by the anti-spam functionality of GMail? Maybe spammers found a new way to send their junk that circumvents current filters. But… Poursuivre la lecture Spurious mail delivery errors
Why do we still need password while we have biometry?
It now happens more and more often that I try to login somewhere and my password doesn’t work. Many sites require an account, with different rules for user names and passwords. Using the same password everywhere only partly alleviates the issue, and can increase security risks. Password reset procedures differ from one site to the… Poursuivre la lecture Why do we still need password while we have biometry?
Bumpy Ableton Live session
Yesterday, I tried upgrading to latest Ableton’s Live, the 9.7.1 version. Everything went well, but I got other issues, not related to Live, that made my work session quite bad and frustrating. S/PDIF not working great A month ago, I got a new audio interface: the Focusrite’s Scarlett 18i20. This amazing device provides eight analog… Poursuivre la lecture Bumpy Ableton Live session
An intricate audio puzzle
Since I moved to Windows 8, I am having multiple and increasingly annoying issues with my audio setup for computer-assisted music creation. I am slowly reaching a dead end that will force me to give up on creating music. At best, I will only be able to play some beats for fun with hardware synthesizers:… Poursuivre la lecture An intricate audio puzzle
KeePass and user interface problems
This morning, I tried to install Ableton‘s Live on my Mac and got an endless sequence of issues. First, I needed to log in to my Ableton Live account in order to get the Mac OS X binaries. Unfortunately, the machine-generated password for that account is stored in a KeePass keyring, so I had to… Poursuivre la lecture KeePass and user interface problems
Is Linux overusing hard drives?
Monday, May 18 2015, when I tried to synchronize files between my main computer and my HTPC, I got error messages from Unison telling it was failing for some files. Tired of repeated unexpected failures, I tried copying the files manually. Manual copy was failing too. I quickly noticed that the whole partition I was… Poursuivre la lecture Is Linux overusing hard drives?
The downsides of SSDs
What’s the point of having a SSD if both Windows 8 and Ubuntu 15.04 introduce artificial timeouts that increase the boot time, making this equivalent as having a standard hard drive? Well, I’m there, I reached that point. Windows 8 often boots fast from EFI to login screen but after I enter my password, it… Poursuivre la lecture The downsides of SSDs
Minor problems stacking up
It seems to happen too often to me. I’m ending up with many different small, minor problems, sometimes not big deals taken alone. But when they sum up, this becomes unbearable, resulting into a bad and exhausting day. Sometimes, the solutions are simple, sometimes not. Here is the most recent stack of such issues. Spending… Poursuivre la lecture Minor problems stacking up
Functionality versus stability
Switching between multiple windows has always been an issue for me. The simplest solution is to use the Alt-tab key combination. That works pretty fine when I need to switch between two or three windows, but as soon as there are more windows, that becomes more difficult. Holding Alt and pressing Tab multiple times can… Poursuivre la lecture Functionality versus stability