I often have trouble tracking the mouse pointer on the screen, especially the default small one. When I loose track of it, I bring it back at the top left corner of the screen. The first time I did that on the Mac, everything became black. Even if I was moving the mouse pointer or… Poursuivre la lecture Screen becoming black sporadically
Catégorie : Computer science
An old Mac = old and new problems
This is the first post of what I expect to be a very long saga. I don’t know exactly what I will acquire during this venture, but I am tempted to engage in it because of my curiosity and taste for exploration. Will I get more patience, experience with Final Cut Express, with Mac OS… Poursuivre la lecture An old Mac = old and new problems
Another upgrade that breaks things down
When I tried to write a WordPress post today, I found out that I couldn’t enter anything in the main text edit area. I tried several times, saved the draft without any success and then found out I would be blocked, unless I AGAIN try with a different browser. I just cannot continue like this… Poursuivre la lecture Another upgrade that breaks things down
Cannot transfer files anymore from my Galaxy Nexus through USB
Last friday, I tried to hook up my Galaxy Nexus phone through USB to transfer some files to my computer. After a few seconds, a completely empty Nautilus window appeared. Once again, Ubuntu was incapable of detecting my device. This happened a few versions ago and I had to use obscure and impossible to remember… Poursuivre la lecture Cannot transfer files anymore from my Galaxy Nexus through USB
Firefox Sync duplicating bookmarks
A few months ago, there was an update to Firefox Sync. The system was completely changed, requiring the creation of a new account and the reupload of all bookmarks, history information, etc. The old system was still functional, but it wasn’t possible anymore to add devices. Despite my frustration (yet another account to create), I… Poursuivre la lecture Firefox Sync duplicating bookmarks
Cascade of problems
It is unbelievable how things can go bad starting from a small number of problems. This afternoon, I was overwhelmed by several hurdles, but there were only two main root causes: keyboard instability and network bandwith issue. Everything started with the delivery of my new AZIO keyboard and Razer Taipan mouse. Well, these are low-risk… Poursuivre la lecture Cascade of problems
Why do I suddenly need to use source to call ANY Bash script?
This week, I ran into a somewhat weird and annoying Bash issue that took a couple of minutes to solve. It was a very simple problem, but it caused quite a bit of headaches. A colleague wrote a script that was setting up some configuration variables. The script, named config.sh, was intended to be called… Poursuivre la lecture Why do I suddenly need to use source to call ANY Bash script?
Groovy + Maven + Eclipse = headache
Java is a general-purpose programming language that matured over more than ten years. It provides a solid platform on which many third party libraries (of various quality and complexity of course) were developed. Maven is one of the several ways large Java projects can be described formally and built automatically. Maven has the ability to… Poursuivre la lecture Groovy + Maven + Eclipse = headache