Usually, upgrading Ubuntu goes well. I run the Upgrade tool which downloads new packages, installs them and then asks me to reboot. Some new versions had minor issues, for example Wayland not fully compatible with my NVIDIA card or an old version of MATE preventing the dist-upgrade, but nothing major, nothing that couldn’t be worked… Poursuivre la lecture Ubuntu 18.10: a silent release
Étiquette : Ubuntu
Ubuntu 16.04 almost killed my current HTPC setup
Yesterday, I tried to upgrade my HTPC running Ubuntu 14.04 to the new LTS 16.04. That almost went smooth, but some glitches happened at the end and some changes prevented my Minecraft FTB server to start again. The problems are now solved, but I was wondering if I would be able to get this working… Poursuivre la lecture Ubuntu 16.04 almost killed my current HTPC setup
Ubuntu on my Mac: possible but limited
I read quite a lot of wrong and contradictory information when I searched for feasibility of installing Ubuntu on my 2006 MacBook Pro. Part of the problem is that users don’t all understand the pieces of the puzzle involved to boot a Mac into Ubuntu, but the multitude of variants of MacBook Pro, with varying… Poursuivre la lecture Ubuntu on my Mac: possible but limited
Preliminary results with Ubuntu booting on Mac
After my more and more frustrating failures with Mac OS X, I wanted to do something to give a second life to this apparently dead system. My previous attempts and research about Ubuntu installation on MacBook Pro 2006 have been a real disaster. But this evening’s attempt is a step toward success! I first downloaded… Poursuivre la lecture Preliminary results with Ubuntu booting on Mac
One SSD for my HTPC
A bit more than a month ago, I successfully transferred my dual boot Windows 8.1 and Ubuntu 14.04 from two 120Gb Solid State Drives (SSD) to a single 240Gb drive. I got several problems restoring the bootloaders of the two operating systems, thought many times I would have to reinstall, then figured out a way… Poursuivre la lecture One SSD for my HTPC
One SSD instead of two: simpler or not?
My Core i7 machine, named Drake, had two 120Gb SSD drives. I purchased the first one with the machine and put Windows 7 and Ubuntu on it. Then I needed more space to get Mac OS X, so I added a second 120Gb SSD. Mac OS X became a pain, almost unusable because everything was… Poursuivre la lecture One SSD instead of two: simpler or not?
Le son Dolby Digital, quelque chose de plutôt instable sous Linux
Mon HTPC m’en aura décidément fait voir de toutes les couleurs. C’est avec le son S/PDIF que j’ai eu le plus de trouble, probablement parce que la prise en charge de ce dernier n’est pas aussi bien testée que le son analogique couramment utilisé. J’ai encore une fois cru que la mort de mon système… Poursuivre la lecture Le son Dolby Digital, quelque chose de plutôt instable sous Linux
La vengeance des pingouins!
Hier à ma fête, j’ai eu plusieurs cadeaux de mon frère et sa blonde exploitant la thématique des pingouins, le symbole du système d’exploitation Linux. Eh bien faut croire que les pingouins n’ont pas beaucoup aimé (moi j’ai bien aimé, pourtant!), car ils se sont vengés hier soir et aujourd’hui. Voici comment, une vraie histoire… Poursuivre la lecture La vengeance des pingouins!