Unsolvable and annoying VirtualBox slowdown

Since end of December 2016, I was using my personal computer to work from home. All my development environment was living in a VirtualBox CentOS virtual machine. That was working very nicely until March 13th. All of a sudden, the virtual machine became annoying slow. Starting the virtual machine took twice the time as before… Poursuivre la lecture Unsolvable and annoying VirtualBox slowdown

Networking issues on an ultrabook

Since a few weeks, I was experiencing sluggish performance while connecting to some SSH servers. The problem happened when using SSH through the VPN of the company I am working for. This resulted in lags when typing commands on the SSH terminal, which was more and more problematic because of more and more command-line arguments… Poursuivre la lecture Networking issues on an ultrabook

The power of i7

Yesterday, I got truly impressed after months of disappointment about performance. I was trying to reinstall Myst IV and have some nostalgic fun with it, but this time, Windows 8.1 decided that it wouldn’t start the autorun program on the DVD. There was no other setup program on the disk, so I had to either… Poursuivre la lecture The power of i7