This week, I tried to get my Groovy+Eclipse setup back and running, because I needed to debug a complex script that was outputting 15-20 line stack traces with a lot of useless information about Groovy internals. Finding the exact error message was taking me several seconds and no matter how hard I was trying to… Poursuivre la lecture Groovy and Eclipse incompatible in practice
Étiquette : Groovy
Groovy + Maven + Eclipse = headache
Java is a general-purpose programming language that matured over more than ten years. It provides a solid platform on which many third party libraries (of various quality and complexity of course) were developed. Maven is one of the several ways large Java projects can be described formally and built automatically. Maven has the ability to… Poursuivre la lecture Groovy + Maven + Eclipse = headache
Groovy? Pas sûr…
Hier, je me suis dit que ça vaudrait la peine d’essayer d’utiliser le langage de programmation Groovy pour un projet chez Nuance. J’estime que cela va me permettre de générer et manipuler du XML plus facilement et m’éviter de répétitives constructions. Plutôt qu’écrire du code pour effectuer la même opération sur chaque item d’une liste,… Poursuivre la lecture Groovy? Pas sûr…